Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 20: Second Sunday of Lent

Each week during Lent and Easter, a young adult from the Archdiocese offers a reflection on the upcoming Sunday's Gospel. 

Gospel:  Matthew 17: 1-9

"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him."

To experience the transfiguration means to penetrate the intimate relationship between Father and Son, until the point in which we could say: “I am God’s beloved.”   With the gift of life, we too have received God’s irrevocable love, but do we always recognize it?   When I can come to the point of accepting God’s love without hesitation, despite the betrayal of my sin, my infidelity and my hypocrisy; then I can accept God’s infinite loving mercy and kindness.

In the end, the greatest sadness for any person is to feel and believe they are not loved.  So let us ask ourselves…“Do I feel loved?  Can I give a name to one who loves me unconditionally?”  Often times we know that it is not easy to answer yes to these questions.  But today’s Gospel tells us that if we could not rely on any other person’s total capacity of love, there is someone who wants to “convince” us of His love.  God, with these words reveals a love and irrevocable decision for us of His unconditional fatherly love when He states “This is my beloved!”  Though God does not “need” our love to be complete, He desires it with passion so that we might be complete in Him.  

God realizes his dreams in us when we respond with the same love of the Son.  So I challenge you to ask yourself: how will I accept and respond to His all-embracing love in week ahead?

Sr. Bernadette Mota
St. Mary, Los Angeles

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