Each week during Lent and Easter, a young adult from the Archdiocese offers a reflection on the upcoming Sunday's Gospel.
Gospel: Mt 26:14-27:66
“The greatest and most overwhelming work of God’s love.”
- St. Paul of the Cross – description of Jesus.
I’m personally a huge fan of St. Paul of the Cross. I’m not sure why, but I just am. When I saw this quote from him describing who he thought Jesus was, it got me thinking. What was the greatest act of love that was ever shown for us? You’ll hear scholars say it was the Crucifixion…but, I tend to think it’s the whole Passion of Jesus.
Jesus knows what is going to happen. In fact, he says it when he’s in the Garden of Gethsemane “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as you will.” Jesus knows how much suffering this is going to be…and yet, even though our Father will not take this away from him, he’ll still go through everything because of that love he has for us. After all the trials, beatings, and suffering Jesus experiences, he is crucified on Golgotha. We, as Christians, are called to look at the cross, and to realize that tremendous love that Jesus went through for us…his saving love as it were. It goes beyond this though.
"Love is filled with struggle, pain, and moments of real darkness. When we gaze upon the cross of Jesus, there we see God’s love revealed to us in the concrete, in flesh and blood. We perceive with our own eyes the lengths to which God would go to reach out to us, to redeem us and raise us up.”
– Fr. Robin Ryan, cp.
As we enter into Holy Week, let us all remember that Jesus died for us, not just so the prophecy could be fulfilled, but to show how much God loved us.
Michele Fanara
St. Martin of Tours, Los Angeles
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