John 3:14-21
God's love for us is unconditional. It is the magnitude of this passage that reminds me how great that love is. This passage also reminds me that he sent Jesus not to condemn us but to make everyone like children of God.
I am reminded of this short video called "Lump." The narrator is the father of two young boys, and he tells a story that so clearly paints an interpretation of God's love. His story portrays one of his sons caught in a series of lies. The child runs and hides, consumed with shame, guilt and fear. Upon finding his son, his father does not react out of anger, but with compassion. He pulls his son into his arms and says, "Nothing you could ever do, could make me love you less."
It is not uncommon for young adults to get lost. Not only is this the time to figure out what God has called us to do, but we are also living in a time of hardships and challenges! The economy is rocky. If you have been searching for a job, the stress can be exhausting. You may be struggling in a relationship that is just not working or that could be unhealthy. Family or friend issues can be consuming and complicated. You may be dealing with multiple problems, only magnifying each one more and making hope seem nonexistent. You may get down on yourself, and you may not consistently make the right decisions. Sometimes when it rains it pours!
I have similarly felt just like the hiding child in the story- ashamed of all my failures, consumed with guilt, completely lonely, and totally unworthy. All of my problems have caught up with me. It is when I am at my most vulnerable state, that God rushes in, embraces me, and reminds me just how much I am loved.
Just like the father says in that story, there is nothing you could ever do that could make God love you less. Isn't that amazing? God's love is far greater than our troubles. It doesn't matter to God if you have messed up. It doesn't matter to God what you have done. He loves you just for being you! He loves you so much that he sent Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for your sins! This is a huge sacrifice and it's all for you! It's a beautiful, unconditional love that God has for us all. No matter where you are in your journey, I encourage you to reflect over this passage, and open yourself to God's love.
Michelle Cantu
Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral
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